This experiment was set up in field "B" on August 23, 1990, within the mammalian herbivore exclosure fence (see E001). This experiment consists of 8 treatments with 6 replicates of each. The 48 plots were randomly assigned their treatment. Plot size is 1m x 1m. Each plot is divided into 4 equal portions. Three of these portions were labeled subplots 5, 6 and 7. The other portion was subdivided into 4 additional portions. The latter subplots were labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thus, each main plot has 7 subplots of which 3 are 0.5m x 0.5m in size and 4 are 0.25m x 0.25m in size. Seeds of many species were collected from Cedar Creek Natural History Area in the fall of 1990 and some were purchased. These seeds were added in the spring of 1991 to the plots according to the following treatments:
- Control
- Lightly raked in spring
- Seed of 29 species added
- Seed of 29 species + raked
- Seed of 29 species + Schizachyrium seed (8000/m2)
- Seed of 29 species + Schizachyrium seed (8000/m2) + raked
- Seed of Schizachyrium (8000/m2) + raked
- Seedlings of Schizachyrium (144/m2)
Percent cover estimates were done in the fall of 1990 to get baseline data of the species present in the plots before adding seeds. For a list of treatments and the amount of seeds of each species added, see the treatment layouts in file trmte85.