Policies and Procedures

Preparing to measure plant percent cover in nitrogen addition plots.

New Research Guidelines

Cedar Creek LTER coordinates with Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve to ensure that new research does not impact any existing research, and that disturbances are well documented so that future users of a given area are fully informed.
If new sampling will take place entirely within actively used, pre-existing research plots, and that sampling is not significantly different in disturbance, then approval from all researchers currently using those plots is sufficient for sampling to begin.

If any portion of the sampling is 
  • in new areas
  • in currently unused pre-established plots, and/or
  • causes significant new disturbance
approval must be obtained by through the process available at  https://cbs.umn.edu/cedarcreek/research/conducting-research.

In all cases, all sampling must be reported to the CDR LTER in the Annual Report.

Code of Conduct

All personnel involved with work at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve are expected to act in accordance with the CCESR Code of Conduct.