This experiment was set up adjacent to E055 in the high disturbance, garden area. 1.75 inches of black soil was added to the CCNHA sandy soil to make four 10 feet x 54 feet plots. The soil was rototilled and aluminum flashing was installed to edge the plots and divide them into 48, 5 feet x 9 feet plots. Equal amounts of MgSO4, CaCO3, P2O5 and K2O are added to the plots each year in early May and late June. For a describtion of fertilizer added, see fertilization details. Seeds were planted with 6 replicates of each of the following treatments:
- Agropyron repens monoculture
- Schizachyrium scoparium monoculture
- Pinus strobus monoculture
- Quercus ellipsoidalis monoculture
- Agropyron repens + Quercus ellipsoidalis on half
- Agropyron repens + Pinus strobus on half
- Schizachyrium scoparium + Quercus ellipsoidalis on half
- Schizachyrium scoparium + Pinus strobus on half
The competition plots were split, with half invaded by seed and half to be invaded by seedling. For treatments 5-8, the right or left sides were chosen at random, to plant the tree seeds. The plots were watered throughout the growing season to keep water from becoming a limiting resource.