Schoolyard Program

CDR has a robust, expanding education and community engagement arm, with participation by PIs, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduate interns as well as dedicated education staff and volunteers.

CDR LTER Schoolyard Program

The goal of our Schoolyard LTER program is to connect students, teachers, and the public to CDR’s long-term ecological research through hands-on experiences and exposure to LTER research and data, and as a result to increase scientific literacy in our local community and beyond. This work is done in collaboration with local school districts, the College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota Extension, private donors, and a wide range of regional and national partners.

The CDR LTER is working to develop a diverse, globally competitive workforce in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) by mentoring undergraduate researchers and providing them with independent research and professional development opportunities. CDR also will continue to increase public scientific literacy and public engagement with STEM by supporting K-12 education programs, and by contributing to Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve’s participatory science activities, membership and volunteer programs, public tours, adult education, as well as arts and humanities partnerships. These activities reach thousands of visitors and participants each year, including teachers, neighbors, public officials, and other members of the public.

For more information on K-12 programs and to sign-up for a field trip to Cedar Creek, visit

For more information about Cedar Creek's public programs, visit